Canvassing · Selling
We can help your door-to-door business

Get organized and sell efficiently


Less Overhead, More Knocking

The best app for door-to-door sales teams. Streamline operations with efficient route planning, real-time updates, and more -- apps for iOS, Android, and web. Create a company account for your organization.

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On The Ground

iOS & Android Apps

Get your team setup using our iOS and Android apps in the field.

Efficiently manage canvassing the team with location updates, tagging prospective targets, appointments, pictures, and documents.

Simplify data collection and route planning, so canvassers can focus on engaging with their targets rather than administrative tasks.



Mobile Features

Knocked Doors Maps & Turf Planning

Map views allow you to easily see the targeted areas and separation of responsibilites, saving time and resources while maximizing productivity.

Property Tagging

As your team knock on doors or complete visits, they can mark them as done (or any customizable tag) within the app, for real-time tracking and analysis. Add detailed tags & notes to specific doors for future reference.

Pictures, Docs & Appointments

Our integrated camera and documents framework allows you to get pictures and signatures and sign up customers right in the field. Add appointments & sync to any calendar.


Dashboard Features

Admin Command Center

Group owners and administrators, can access certain features that regular team members can't. Get high level overview of where your team is at, and the status of all knocked doors.

Live Team Location Tracker

Real-time visibility into the precise locations of canvassers in the field. This feature enhances operational efficiency by enabling supervisors to monitor progress and respond promptly to changing circumstances.

Easy Onboarding & User Management

Simplifies the process of adding new team members and managing user accounts. All you need are work emails to get the app in the hands of your team.

Let's get you the app

Create a company account for your organization. 100% FREE 14-day trial.

Getting Started With Knock Canvassing

Getting Started With Knock Canvassing

Sign up and establish your group or company profile to start organizing your team and projects.

Evaluating the Worth of Door-to-Door Sales in 2024

Evaluating the Worth of Door-to-Door Sales in 2024

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Top 5 Reasons to Door Knock in 2024

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